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  • Writer's pictureRachel Krider

Making a Lot of Money is NOT Wealth Creation

In our pursuit of financial success, it's easy to fall into the trap of equating wealth with making heaps of money. We often associate wealth with the size of our bank accounts, the number of zeros on our paychecks, or the luxurious possessions we acquire.

BUT, as Shane Krider (my husband) wisely points out, making a lot of money is not synonymous with true wealth creation. In fact, it's about time we redefine our understanding of wealth and shift our focus towards building "mounds" instead of digging deep holes.

To truly grasp the essence of wealth creation, we must first define what wealth means. Wealth extends far beyond the mere accumulation of money. It encompasses abundance in all areas of life, including financial freedom, personal fulfillment, meaningful relationships, and overall well-being.

Wealth is about having the resources, opportunities, and time to live life on our own terms and make a positive impact on the world.

As Shane explains, making more money alone does not automatically translate into wealth creation. The conventional approach leads to a never-ending cycle of striving for more. With every increase in income, the demands and expenses tend to rise accordingly.

It's similar to using a bigger shovel to dig an ever-deeper hole, eventually leaving us feeling exhausted and unfulfilled.

Choosing to Make Mounds

Instead of falling into the trap of digging deeper holes, Shane urges us to create mounds. But what does it mean to make mounds? It refers to building sustainable and lasting wealth by focusing on value creation, financial intelligence, and strategic investment. Rather than being trapped in a perpetual chase for money, we shift our mindset to seek opportunities that generate long-term prosperity and genuine fulfillment.

The Art of Making Mounds

Making mounds requires a shift in perspective and adopting certain key practices:

  1. Focus on Value: Rather than fixating solely on monetary gains, prioritize creating value for others. By offering products, services, or solutions that solve problems and improve lives, we become catalysts for positive change and build a reputation as a trusted provider.

  2. Financial Intelligence: Develop a deep understanding of financial concepts and principles. Educate yourself on wealth-building strategies, investments, and money management. Acquiring financial literacy empowers you to make informed decisions and maximize the potential for growth.

  3. Strategic Investments: Instead of relying solely on earned income, explore opportunities for passive income through investments. This could include investing in real estate, stocks, businesses, or other assets that appreciate over time and generate recurring returns.

  4. Mindset and Personal Development: Cultivate a growth mindset and commit to continuous personal development. Expand your knowledge, enhance your skills, and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who inspire and challenge you to achieve your full potential.

In our quest for wealth creation, let's break free from the narrow definition of wealth as merely making money. By developing financial intelligence, making strategic investments, and nurturing our personal growth, we can pave the way to building sustainable wealth and making mounds that uplift not only ourselves but also those around us.

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