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Writer's pictureRachel Krider

Shane Krider's Insider Guide to Masterful Prospecting

Prospecting—often perceived as the lifeblood of business growth—can be both exhilarating and challenging. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, the art of prospecting holds the key to expanding your network, securing clients, and fostering sustainable success. In this blog post, we'll go into a treasure trove of essential prospecting tips shared by Prosperity Of Life Founder, Shane Krider, unveiling strategies that can transform your approach and elevate your prospecting game:

Guide, Not Convince

Shane emphasized a fundamental truth—prospecting isn't about persuading people. Your role is to guide them through an experience, not to sell an idea forcefully. Instead of trying to open their eyes forcefully, share your story authentically. This approach naturally attracts individuals seeking a similar life path.

Respect Their Journey

A crucial lesson—don't solve their problems. If prospects present issues like lack of money or time, avoid trying to convince them otherwise. Respectfully let them know they can revisit when ready. Trust that if it's meant to be, it will naturally align.

Maintain Equilibrium

Not everyone resonates with personal development, and that's okay. Avoid becoming defensive or offensive when faced with differing opinions. Your goal is to welcome willing participants, not force conversions.

Authenticity Attracts

Being genuine attracts like-minded individuals. Your authenticity becomes a magnet for those who resonate with your beliefs and aspirations. Embrace the diversity within your network—each person brings a unique story and perspective.

Live Your Best Life

As you build your business, don't forget to live a fulfilling life. What Rachel Krider, Prosperity Of Life Co-Found, does is maintain a balanced schedule. Remember, being your own boss shouldn't overshadow your happiness. Your success should complement your life, not consume it.

Keep in mind that maintaining a positive outlook is pivotal in prospecting. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities, keep that smile intact, and persevere. Your attitude determines your altitude.

In your journey toward personal and professional growth, consider exploring the comprehensive insights and strategies available through the Prosperity Of Life self-development programs. These courses are crafted to empower individuals like you to unlock their true potential and achieve remarkable success.

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Simon Haggard
Simon Haggard
Jan 17, 2024

Some great words of wisdom .... Love that we are not selling telling or explaining what it is that we offer. Our simple process is there to follow. Keep it Simple


Lauren Masters
Lauren Masters
Jan 08, 2024

Yes, really resonating with respect their journey, don't solve their problems. People see it, when they are ready, not because you see it. 😊

Lauren K Masters


Mary De Alvia Pitman
Mary De Alvia Pitman
Jan 08, 2024

I love the section on 'respect the(ir) journey' and not forcing it on them. I learned after operating businesses through the years, their reason is their reason and they will continue to put up barriers as long as you try to convince them otherwise...and it leaves a really bad taste in their mouth as well.

Authenticity attracts is right! It's not the words you use or the stories you tell, it's your story and how honestly yours aligns with theirs. This will also help with creating that balanced life.

I love how we get to create our life in our own ways and invite others to be a part of it.

Thanks Rachel


Eileen Darwin
Eileen Darwin
Jan 03, 2024

Some excellent points here for anyone in 'sales' - and especially for this business... and the part I love best is "being your own boss shouldn't overshadowing your happiness"... learning when you need to take time out is vital in maintaining a healthy self, healthy partnership, and a healthy business! 😀


Arlene Rotter
Arlene Rotter
Jan 01, 2024

Golden words to follow, Shane. As always you bring us pearls of wisdom from your vast knowledge and experience.

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